The Open Wound
An open wound is an injury involving an external or internal break in body tissue, usually involving the skin. Everyone will experience an open wound at some point in their life. There are many different types of open wounds from small to large. Some wounds are based upon a cut into the skin. Sometimes you don't feel the effects of the cut but eventually you do. The blood is a sign of your wound. Sometimes the bleeding happens slowly and sometimes it happens rapidly and extensive. Treatment is given to stop the bleeding.
The pain from the wound comes initially or after realizing the initial break of the skin. With proper treatment, the wound starts to heal. In the process the wound creates a scab as a sign that the wound is closing up. However, sometimes the wound reopens when we interrupt the process of healing. This can happen when we haven't processed triggers, when we continue to live with unresolved pain, or fail set boundaries, etc. We are then faced with the task of going through the healing process all over again.
Sometimes we aren't aware that we are wounds are bleeding. Bleeding on the outside is recognizable, but what about the danger of that which is unseen; the internal bleeding. Internal bleeding is hard to identify and makes it difficult for other major parts to function properly. This is the correlation to your mental health. Take a moment and recognize any unhealthy moments where you wasn't yourself. Can you recognize that same reaction or response in other areas? We form patterns and habits based upon our wounds. We may believe our wounds are closed but internally we are bleeding out and causing other relationships, friendships, and dreams to not function properly.
A solution is available. Counseling is designed to identify the internal bleeding. It is designed to plug the tear within the wound to ensure that bleeding no longer occurs. The focus becomes on finding the root of the wound and figuring out how it formed and how to resolve (stitch) up the wound and the proper care (Strategies/practices) needed to ensure the wound isn't causing dysfunction in other areas. Call 211 in your area for information or resources to support you in your healing process.